Thursday 31 October 2013

Surfers Ear - why listen to me?

Surfers Ear, Exostosis, Bony Growths... you may have heard of several explanations of what is essentially a common condition of the ear canal in response to cold water and windy conditions. But why should I be telling you about it? Well, I have Surfers Ear, i'm a qualified NHS Audiologist and I am the inventor and developer of 'Surfplugs' a custom made water sport ear plug. With regular Surfers Ear clinics up and down the UK I have probably peered into more lugholes of Surfers, Kayakers, Swimmers, Kite Surfers, Wind Surfers and Wake Boarders than anybody else in the UK - and I thought I had better write a little bit more about it and raise the awareness of Surfers Ear and what can be .. a right pain in the .. Ear!